Mi-Facility – Facility Management convenience at your fingertips.
Remove the frustration out of trying to manage every aspect of your Estate or Complex. Distribute any Incidents or Facility related matters to Complex / Estate Management, Managing Agent, Maintenance Team, Security Service Provider, Gardens Team and Directors / Trustees when residents making use of the Report functionality in your tailor made App 24/7. Less time spent on the phone or emails while escalating issues via email.
Tailor made Estate / Complex or Facility Management Application to assist with daily tasks at hand whether Security, Maintenance, Gardens or Street Lights.
App Features
* Home Owners Association / Body Corporate Conduct Rules at your residents fingertips.
* One Touch Call to any predetermined number through the App.
* Reporting to predetermined list of responsible individuals via email.
* Emergency Contact Numbers all included on one easy to use app.
* Automated Emails to Reporting Party, Trustees, Security Service Provider and Estate / Facility Manager.
* Pro-Active South Africa – Vehicle Theft / Hijacking Value Added Link.
* Unlimited Amount of Downloads for your Complex or Estate.